The optimal platform when you want to showcase your products at few locations during 1-2 weeks at each location


The Expobox is the optimal platform when you want to showcase your products at few locations during 1-2 weeks at each location.

The advantages are that

  • You get a professional platform that attracts attention
  • Interior, profiling and products is all prepared before delivery
  • You will ensure that the profiling will be the same regardless of location/market
  • You are independent of weather and the Expobox is closed and locked/alarmed during night time
  • The entrance height is at ground level

You can rent or buy your Expobox in sizes 10, 20 or 30 ft. We help you with interior design, branding, product installation, logistics and transport. When buying an Expobox, we also offer inventory management and preparation for the next activity.

Contact us at 08-98 05 00 for a free proposal and a quote.

Contact us

Lena Geeber

Sales / Project Manager

Amelie Hedbäck
