”A roadshow is the best way to meet your customers”

– according to our customers!

A roadshow enables you to reach out to selected target groups with your mobile showroom and meet your customers in the place where they are located. You can combine product demonstrations with seminars, training and qualitative conversations – and you strenghten your relationship with your customers in a way that cannot be compared to other activities.


  • You are close to your customers and you reach out to your target audiences and meet many more of those you really want to meet.
  • You can select your most interesting target audience and focus resources on them.
  • You can combine multiple objectives, because it is easy to switch between audiences and messages during the tour.
  • You get the benefits of targeting customers, but without competition, interference or pressure of time.
  • You motivate your sales team, your dealers and agents and strengthen your sales organization.
  • Visiting your customers, instead of all the customers visiting you, requires significantly less transportation.

Expomobil works internationally with roadshows all over Europe. For more information, please contact Lena Geeber or Amelie Hedbäck by e-mail or phone using the information listed below.

”More than 1000 customers has visited the trailer and the general opinion is that this is one of the best things we have done ever”

Kristina von Harbou, Olympus Sverige AB

“Through our cooperation with Expomobil, we had access to a highly professional team with a wealth of experience. This turned our roadshow into an enormously successful project”

Martina Borgman, Brand manager, Electrolux AB 

The platform for a roadshow are our expandable Expomobil trailers.

Contact us

Lena Geeber

Sales/ Project Manager

Amelie Hedbäck
